Home Talk Shows Late Night with Seth Meyers Biden Holds “Tense” Zoom Call with House Democrats


  1. I'm genuinely curious about his speech at the RNC.
    Will he change his stance on gun control now that he's experienced it first hand?
    Will he tone down his inflammatory rhetoric?

  2. Unfollowing anyone who wants to dismiss the 14 million primary voters who already cast their votes for Biden. Not everyone has the means to move to another country if Trump wins and becomes a dictator on day one. You all should be calling on him to step aside.

  3. These jokes suck and Seth trying to play them up by leaning into them (even acknowledging the low quality of the joke ahead of time) is even worse. I don't normally watch but every time I do check in this show gets worse. Boo. Just stop. Or hire better writers.

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