Home Talk Shows Conan Conan Thinks He Could Fight A Pack Of Coyotes | Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend


  1. YES! I'm a relatively new Conan fan (wish I had followed his career way earlier!) and am so pumped for a new Summer S'mores. This summer series is what solidified this podcast as my favorite.

  2. Who doesn’t love smores? “There are people that like them” Conan?! Lol. No one eats something they don’t like continuously. You had a few callers call in and agree. Out of millions. No, smores are wonderful. You stop this. Now.

  3. I saw coyote fighting with a Bluejay the other day. The coyote was just minding his business, and the Bluejay kept attacking and packing up the coyotes head and the coyote kept turning his head as he tried to run away and tried to bite the bird with the bird just kept pecking, and eventually they went their separate ways.

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