Home TV & Movies Trailers KNOX GOES AWAY Trailer (2024) Michael Keaton, Al Pacino


  1. Liam Neeson had a movie kinda similar in that it's about a assassin losing his memory on a hit, its called Memory. It was okay, a background kinda movie. This Keaton movie actually looks much better.

  2. Michael Keaton's still going strong and is such an underrated actor…Looks like an original movie I want to see. It's about time Hollyweird started taking some chances on original stories again instead of the same ol' tired remakes and over CGI'ed Marvel movies….

  3. I'm loving some of these refined actors' choices lately—there's some high quality plots and narratives that are so refreshing in contrast to the franchising that is dominating our general viewing nowadays. Carry on the craftsmanship of the thespian tradition in engrossing and authentic human content. Thumbs up!!!

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