THE LAST BREATH (2024) New Shark Movie HD


  1. The sound effect when the shark takes out each person is terrible. How far can you go with a shark movie? Well, not that far because no matter what you do and no matter what plot you try, we all know it's a movie where a shark eventually…………… yup you guessed it, eats people. Maybe I would watch this if it was about a shark with feelings and if befriends the divers like a dolphin, only with teeth.

  2. I know nothing about diving, but i like listening stories about various diving issues, fatal or not. So i know nothing about diving, but i know that divers are surely gonna cringe hard. Marine biologists as well, probably.
    Edit : It's sad, because i liked the start of the story: a team of divers diving a wreck. This can be the start of a true horror story. From the diving stories i've listened to on youtube, i know that you don't need sharks to have a diving tragedy.

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