Mike Johnson’s “Courage” On Ukraine Aid Bill & Tennessee Arms Its Teachers | The Daily Show


  1. So 90 billion get shipped overseas but we are getting cash back for delayed flight…this country is a joke. Wake up, you all are being played.

  2. I swear I heard dis courage didn't I ??? Peace keepers oh no they have better than peace keepers in firearms. Make peace not love. We're all going to peaces….. Falling too peaces .

  3. I went to Public school that wasn't funded because they spent all that money on "peace". Wouldn't it be crazy if we stopped funding the world arsenal and just focussed on education?

  4. I was on a totally different page – maybe teachers should have stability checks – – get this idea – not before we hand them guns, but before we hand them our children!!

  5. You guys will do ANYTHING for a laugh. If you mock the aid package to Ukraine and WHY Ukraine is fighting you don't understand the global and political implications of Russia's invasion. You two sound like Jesse Watters. No real reason to go after those who are trying to keep the peace, but you take an ignorant shot anyway. Sorry Jordan, I am a HUGE fan, but you're better than this, unless you think even weak humor will help you get a permanent desk slot. Everyone has their price, right?

  6. It does raise a great point. I mean, of course teachers should be trained in fire arms, just like every body else. But that will not be happening any time ever.

  7. Yeah, peace. Like what you get when you show the bully you've got a lovely cudgel with their name on it should they get froggy. Peace. You seem brighter than this most of the time.

  8. This may be crazy, but there cannot be any peace for mankind without war at least somehow in the equation. Humans can´t be that reasonable. Not like we are today. A World without any war will ever mostly be something that we can only try to come close as possible.

  9. Sorry guys you missed the mark on the opening piece/peace. Pootin is a butcher. Plain and simple. Supporting Ukraine ensures that US troops do not have to cross the sea like they did twice before.

    Johnson through inaction caused the deaths of hundreds of Ukranian soldiers and citizens. Not just those on or near the front line, but those in occupied territories.

  10. Hale – "I mean, there might be a public outcry for awhile… but then, you know what happens? People forget. They don't remember, they don't care. They just don't care. It's just gonna' be another everyday, common tragedy."

    Burkhart – "Yeah, it's — it's not common."

    Hale – "Don't do somethin' you're gonna' regret for the rest of your life… You're gonna' regret…"

    Burkhart – "I ain't got nothin' but regret, Bill…"

    Hale – "You have a family… Children. Don't make it more of a tragedy…"

    – Bill Hale and Ernest Burkhart talking in jail…

    Killers of the Flower Moon (2023)

    It took 40 Years for the USA to sign on to the 1948 UN Genocide Convention… and it was the atrocities committed by the U.S. on the N. American Tribal Nations which fronted the delay. Ironically, in 1987, it was a Congressman from Delaware who finally signed on for the U.S… none other than now President Joseph Robinette Biden.

    If you tell a Lie often enough… it becomes Israel's.

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