Pro-Palestinian College Protests Grow as Police Crack Down | The Daily Show


  1. Not so fun fact: College tuition is something the Regan administration created because they thought if people were paying to go there, students wouldn't protest against the Viet Nam war.

  2. I don't understand why the US politicians overreacting to sending forces to campus. Those students won't make any major impact to national security, after all, there is no US embassy in the US to finance, organize, train the student to go against this country.

  3. Pro-palestine protests are suffering from a major perception problem: even in the eyes of mainstream liberals, it comes across as pro-hamas. They need to be more savvy, more sophisticated, more empathetic

  4. There are currently wars going on in Sudan and Ethiopia that are killing much more people than in Gaza but you don’t hear anyone about that.

    Why do we let this Gaza issue poison our public debate to the degree that we are?

  5. These protests were organized by Jewish Voices For Peace. Jewish Voices For peace!!! Daily Show needs to do some Googling before they start accusing Jewish people of antisemitism.

  6. it's funny how conservatives are pro israel because they're mass slaughtering palestinians but also don't believe the holocaust even happened and marched and DC chanting "jews will not replace us!" in like 2017

  7. I would be much more sympathetic to these college students concerns if they were carrying signs and flags with peace symbols on them. Seeing the students wearing tribal scarves, waving the Palestinian flag, and chanting racist slogans doesn’t help their cause in my eyes. Peace in the Middle East is the goal, is it not?!

  8. When elected leaders wants young people arrested for opposing the funding of genocide then you know immorality rules. The lamestream media lying plainly to mislead the public and progress the agendas of the military industrial complex and genocide Joe.

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